Le livre de Martin J. Bollinger permet de découvrir un sujet ignoré : le transport maritime des condamnés au Goulag durant l'époque stalinienne. Ils furent plus d'un million à être envoyés vers la Kolyma, à l'est de la Sibérie, entre 1932 et 1953. Un seul moyen de transport était possible : les bateaux spécialement aménagés, masqués aux puissances occidentales qui bien souvent les avaient procurés à l'URSS, voire entretenus pendant la guerre. Dès l'embarquement, les condamnés connaissaient l'horreur des camps avant même d'y être parvenus. L'auteur détaille le fonctionnement du Goulag, cite de nombreux témoignages et étudie chacun des navires qui participèrent à cette déportation.

Between 1932 and 1953, a fleet of ordinary cargo ships was pressed into extraordinary service to relocate approximately one million forced laborers to the Soviet Gulag in Kolyma, in far northeastern Siberia. The most infamous gulag in Soviet Union was accessible only by sea and this transport of people took a devastating toll on humans lives. Bollinger details this tragic saga using firsthand testimony from those involved in the operation and material from both American and Russian archives and examines how much Washington knew about the use of American ships under Stalin.


General Merchant Ship Directories
Jordan, Roger W. The World’s Merchant Fleets 1939: The Particulars and Wartime Fates of 6,000 Ships. London: Chatham, 1999.
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping: 1921–22. London: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1922.
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping: 1935–36. London: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1936.
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping: 1952–53. London: Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1953.
Talbot-Booth, E.C. What Ship Is That? London: Sampson Low, Marston, circa 1941.
Talbot-Booth, E.C. Merchant Ships 1943. London: Macmillan, 1944.
Talbot-Booth, E.C. Merchant Ships 1959. London: Journal of Commerce, 1959.

Directories of Soviet and Russian Ships
Berezhnoi, Sergey S. Советские Суда и Предоставляют Ленд-Лез [Soviet ships and vessels of Lend-Lease]. St. Petersburg: Velen Publishing House, 1994.
———. Военные корабли и Суда Советского Морского Флота, 1917–1927 [The warships and auxiliary vessels of the Soviet Navy, 1917–1927]. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the Ministries of Defense of the USSR, 1981.
———. Военные корабли и Суда Советского Морского Флота, 1928–1945 [The warships and auxiliary vessels of the Soviet Navy, 1928–1945]. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the Ministries of Defense of the USSR, 1988.
Bock, Bruno, and Klaus Bock. Soviet Bloc Merchant Ships. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1981.
Central Intelligence Agency. Status of Soviet-Held US Lend-Lease Vessels (S-2278). Washington, D.C.: Office of Research and Reports, 1967. Report prepared April 18, 1967, and declassified January 23, 2001.
Curtis, Jeffery and Ambrose Greenway. Soviet Merchant Ships. Homewell, Havant, Hampshire: Kenneth Mason, 1976.
Greenman, David, and E.C. Talbot-Booth. Warsaw Pact Merchant Ships: Recognition Handbook. London: Jane’s, 1987.
Meister, Jürg. Soviet Warships of the Second World War. London: Macdonald and Jane’s, 1977.
Office of Chief of Naval Operations. Russian Merchant Vessels: ONI 208-R. Washington, D.C.: Intelligence Division, December 20, 1942.
———. Russian Merchant Ships in the Pacific: ONI 208-R Revised. Washington, D.C.: Intelligence Division, April 1945.
———. Soviet Merchant Shipping—Pacific: Intelligence Report 63-43. Washington, D.C.: Intelligence Division, 1943.
———. Soviet Merchant Ships in Pacific—Current Listing. Op-16-F-8, ser. 11-41. Washington, D.C.: Intelligence Division, February 16, 1943.
———. Sino/Soviet Bloc Merchant Ships: Report ONI 36-1G. Washington, D.C.: Intelligence Division, June 27, 1963.
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. St. Petersburg, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Archival research of the register provided in personal communication to the author by Victor Volkov, August 2001.
Soviet Merchant Ships 1945–1968. Homewell, Havant, Hampshire: Kenneth Mason, 1969.
Tapac, A.E. Военные корабли Имперского Российского Флота, 1892–1917 [Warships of the imperial Russian fleet, 1892–1917]. Minsk: Kharbast, 2000.
Wilson, E.A. Soviet Passenger Ships, 1917–1977. Kendal, England: World Ship Society, 1978.

General History of Merchant Ships
Andrews, Ralph W. and Harry A. Kirwin. This Was Seafaring. New York: Bonanza Books, 1955.
Det Statistiske Departement. “Danmarks Vareindførsel og—Udførsel I Aaret 1933.” Statistisk Tabelværk, Femte Række, Litra D, No. 54. Copenhagen: Det Statistiske Departement, 1934.
Dunn, Laurence. Merchant Ships of the World 1910–1929. London: Blandford Press, 1973.
Garnham, S.A., and Robert L. Hadfield. The Submarine Cable. London: Sampson Low, Marston, 1934.
Gibbs, James A., Jr. Pacific Graveyard. Portland: Binfords and Mort, 1950.
Haigh, K.R. Cableships and Submarine Cables. London: Adlard Coles, 1968.
Hardy, A.C. Merchant Ship Types. London: Chapman and Hall, 1924.
Mitchell, W.H., and L.A. Sawyer. British Standard Ships of World War I. London: Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph, 1968.
Newell, Gordon. The H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: Superior, 1966.

History of Specific Shipbuilders
Eriksen, Erik. Værftet bag de 1000 skibe: Burmeister & Wain Skibsværft [The company that launched a thousand ships: Burmeister & Wain Shipyard]. Copenhagen: Burmeister and Wain, 1993.
Middlemiss, Normal L. British Shipbuilding Yards. Vol. 3. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Shields, 1995.
Mitchell, C. Bradford. Every Kind of Shipwork: A History of Todd Shipyards Corporation. New York: Todd Shipyards, 1981.
Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw-Maatschappij. The Hague: J. Hamme, Jr., circa 1985.
Spasskogo, I.D., ed. История Отечественного Судостроения: в Пяти Томах [History of domestic shipbuilding: In five volumes]. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg: Shipbuilding Press, 1996.
Taylor, Herbert E. Swan, Hunter, & Wigham Richardson, Limited: A Historical Retrospect. Wallsend-on-Tyne: Swan, Hunter, 1932.
Two Hundred and Fifty Years of Shipbuilding by the Scotts at Greenock. Glasgow: James Jack Advertising, 1961. [@BIBend]
[@A]Histories of Specific Shipping Lines and Other Operators
[@BIB]China Navigation Company Limited: A Pictorial History 1872–1992. Hong Kong: John Swire and Sons, 1992.
Clephane, Lewis P. History of the Naval Overseas Transportation Service in World War I. Washington, D.C.: Naval History Division, 1969.
de Boer, G.J. The Centenary of the Stoomvaart Maatschappij “Nederland” 1870–1970. Kendal: World Ship Society, 1970.
Dick, H.W. and S.A. Kentwell. Beancaker to Boxboat: Steamship Companies in Chinese Waters. Canberra: Nautical Association of Australia, 1988.
Knap, G.H. Hundert Jahre Seeschiffahrt: Geschichte der Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot-Maatschappij N.V. Amsterdam: N.V. Drukkerij En Uitgeverij J.H. De Bussy, 1956.
Lawford, G.L., and L.R. Nicholson. The Telcon Story. London: Telegraph Construction and Maintenance, 1950.
McAlister, A.A. and Leonard Gray. A Short History of H. Hogarth & Sons Limited. Kendal: World Ship Society, 1976.
Mulder, P. De Schepeu v. de KNSM 1856–1981. Amsterdam: Erato, 1983.
Schol, Aad. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot-Maatschappij. Alkmaar: De Alk bv, 1998.
Torrance, William. Steamers on the River. Brisbane Market: W. Torrance, 1986.
Van Popta, W.E. De Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij-KNSM. Alkmaar: Alkenreeks, n.d.
Worden, William L. Cargoes: Matson’s First Century in the Pacific. Honolulu: Univeristy Press of Hawaii, 1981.

Russian/Soviet Maritime and Naval History
Fairhall, David. Russia Looks to the Sea: A Study of the Expansion of Soviet Maritime Power. London: Andre Deutsch, 1971.
Guzhenko, T.B.  Морской Транспорт СССР: К 60-Летию Отрасли [Sea transport of the USSR: To the 60th anniversary of the branch]. Moscow: Transport, 1984.
Harbron, John D. Communist Ships and Shipping. London: Adlard Coles, 1962.
Hara, Teruyuki. インディギルカ号の悲劇-1930年代のロシア極東 [The Indigirka tragedy: The Russian Far East in the 1930s]. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo, 1993.
Long, D.M. The Soviet Merchant Fleet: Its Growth, Strategy, Strength and Weaknesses 1920–1999. London: Lloyd’s of London Press, 1986.
Mitchell, Donald W. A History of Russian and Soviet Sea Power. London: André Deutsche, 1974.
Muromov, I. Сто Великих Кораблекрушений [A hundred great shipwrecks]. Moscow: Veche, 1999.
Osichanskii, Petr. П.П. Куянцев: Я Бы Снова Выбрал Море . . . [P.P. Kuyantsev: I would again choose the sea . . .] Vladivostok: Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains, 1998.
Sovfracht—70 Years. Moscow: Sovfracht, 1999.
The Voyage of the Chelyuskin., Translated by Alec Brown. New York: Macmillan, 1935.
Watson, Derek. Molotov and Soviet Government: Sovnarkom, 1930–41. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
Woodward, David. The Russians at Sea. London: William Kimber, 1965. [@BIBend]

Russo-Japanese Confrontations
Coox, Alvin D. Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1985.
Hough, Richard. The Fleet That Had to Die. London: New English Library, 1957.
Meshchanskaia, Svetlana. Противостояние Японии и СССР/Бои у озера Хасан (29 июля - 11 августа 1938 года) [Confrontation of Japan and USSR: fighting at Lake Khasan (July, 29 to August, 11, 1938)].  Moscow: BTV-MN, 2002.
Novikov-Priboy. Tsushima: Grave of a Floating City. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1937.
Politovsky, Eugène S. From Libau to Tsushima. Translated by Maj. F.R. Godfrey, RMLI. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1908.
Pleshakov, Constantine. The Tsar’s Last Armada: The Epic Voyage to the Battle of Tsushima. New York: Basic Books, 2001.

Spanish Civil War
Howson, Gerald. Arms for Spain: The Untold Story of the Spanish Civil War. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
Radosh, Ronald and Mary R. Habeck, eds. Spain Betrayed: The Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2001.

World War II
Birch, Alan and Martin Cole. Captive Christmas: The Battle for Hong Kong—December 1941. Hong Kong: Heinemann Asia, 1979.
Deane, R. John. The Strange Alliance: The Story of our Efforts at War-Time Co-Operation with Russia. New York: Viking Press, 1947.
Dingman, Roger. Ghost of War: The Sinking of Awu maru and Japanese-American Relations, 1945–1995. Annapolis. Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1997.
Evans, Mark Llewellyn. Great World War II Battles in the Arctic. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Hays, Otis, Jr. Home from Siberia: The Secret Odysseys of Interned American Airmen in World War II. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1990.
Haynes, John Earl, and Harvey Klehr. Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999.
Hutson, Harry C. Arctic Interlude: Independent to Russia. Bennington, Vt.: Merriam Press, 1997.
Jones, Robert Huhn. The Roads to Russia: United States Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969.
Jordan, George R. From Major Jordan’s Diaries. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952.
Meusholt, James. “Burrard Dry Dock Co Ltd.” Unpublished manuscript, circa 1970.
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Navy Department. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Division, 1963.
Paperno, Alla. Тайны и История: Ленд-Лез Тихий океан [Secrets and history: Lend-Lease Pacific Ocean]. Moscow: Terra-Book Club, 1998.
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Ruegg, Bob and Arnold Hague. Convoys to Russia: 1941–1945. Kendal: World Ship Society, 1992.
Ruge, Friedrich. The Soviets as Naval Opponents: 1941–1945. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1979.
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[@A]Soviet Arctic Shipping Operations
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Gulag History: Narratives of Labor Camp Managers and Staff
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[@A]Gulag History: Personal Narratives of Prisoners
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[@A]Gulag History: Syntheses of Personal Narratives
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[@A]General Gulag and “Great Terror“ History
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Getty, J. Arch, and Oleg V. Naumov. The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932–1939. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999.
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